We spent five months at home working on second grade and working on the new house. Fritzlin helped with hand washing the clothes as well as being our main dish-washer.
We enjoyed trips to visit friends as well as having both college kids home for Christmas.
In February because of political instability we were required to evacuate. We all enjoyed the helicopter ride despite not wanting to leave home.
Fritzlin was very excited to finally get to experience snow, but the thrill rapidly disappeared in the cold. We had tried to explain while he held frozen food that it was like your whole body being in the freezer but 'I did not understand!"
We've been very thankful to be able to meet up again this year with two of his foster families, that he lived with during his time at Children of the Promise.
He continues to ask lots of questions. Fritz enjoys playing with strings, plastic animals, Lego's and reading books. Now proudly has his own library card and likes to pick out books.

We remain very thankful to the Lord for His faithfulness during each step and waiting period of our adoption. We continue to hold up those waiting for families, waiting for paperwork, and waiting on the Lord. Courage!